
Samira Kaya
Samira started as a saxophone student with Monique in 2010 (aged 9). She has been very much into music ever since.
‘In my upbringing, there was the opportunity to have music lessons. I learnt all kinds of instruments and took final exams in music at school. I am aware that by no means everyone has that privilege. Music delights, connects and more and more studies show that music contributes enormously to a child’s development. Children learn to play together and can teach each other new things.
I always loved Monique’s projects: giving children in difficult circumstances the chance to make music. When I heard of her illness and knew that the foundation would be disbanded, I knew what I had to do. I want to give as many children as possible the chance to take music lessons, and hope to make their lives a little nicer that way. In Uganda and Colombia, I experienced how eagerly children absorbed music and how driven they were to learn. That enthusiasm makes me want to continue working for the beautiful foundation Monique has established.’

Josien Reimink
Josien has been involved with the foundation since 2021 and has shared the directorship with Samira since 2022.
‘I got to know Samira during our studies. She told me about the foundation and I was immediately super interested and inspired to want to contribute something too. I myself have always enjoyed music lessons. I took guitar and singing lessons and also had the luxury of having several instruments at home. For me, it was also a matter of course that I could do and have this. I also grant children who have a much harder time to be able to indulge in music, have the opportunity to take lessons and make music together. Together with all the board members and volunteers of MvK, I hope we can give a group of children in Uganda and Colombia the joy of making music together. I hope to be able to contribute to this beautiful foundation by helping with a beautiful site, newsletters and also carrying out/inventing benefit events and projects!’

Heleen Verleur

Petra Griffioen

Marlijn Peuker

Justus Veenemans
General Board Member
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Get involved!
Organise a practice challenge
A practice challenge means that you practise on your instrument every day for a certain period of time and find sponsors for it! You get even better at music and raise money for Music for Children at the same time!
From now on, you can start your own practice challenge!
Donate an instrument
The foundation can often use instruments! We are especially happy with wind instruments (saxophones!!), but we can make children happy with many instruments! Do you have an instrument that is gathering dust and do you want it to get a good new destination? Give it to us! We will gladly give it to the kids.
Buy art
Since 1 August 2020, the exhibition No man is an island, created by Monique Udo, can be admired online. Purchases can be made! The proceeds with some works entirely and with others partly to Music for Children. Super fun! 🙂